What are Primary Care Networks?
Primary Care Networks or PCNs are based on general practice registered lists, typically serving natural communities of around 30,000 to 50,000 patients. They should be small enough to provide the personal care valued by both patients and healthcare professionals, but large enough to have impact and economies of scale through better collaboration between general practices and others in the local health and social care system, including community pharmacies.
The networks will have expanded neighbourhood teams which will comprise a range of staff such as GPs, pharmacists, district nurses, community geriatricians, dementia workers and Allied Health Professionals such as physiotherapists and podiatrists/chiropodists, joined by social care and the voluntary sector
Primary Care Networks in Surrey Heartlands
There are four Primary Care Networks in the GP Health Partners federation comprised as follows:
Banstead PCN (c.47,000) Tattenham Health Centre, Heathcote Medical Centre, Nork Clinic, Longcroft Clinic & Tadworth Medical Centre
Epsom PCN (c.58,000) St Stephens House Surgery, Shadbolt Park House Surgery, Ashley Centre Practice, Fountain Practice, The Derby Medical Centre, Spring Street Surgery & Stoneleigh Surgery https://epsompcn.co.uk/
Leatherhead PCN (c.44,000) Ashlea Medical Practice, Eastwick Park Medical, Fairfield Medical Centre & Molebridge Practice. https://leatherheadpcn.gpweb.org.uk/
Cobham & Oxshott PCN (c.20,000) Cobham Health Centre & Oxshott Medical Centre
GP Health Partners provide support to PCNs in a number of ways to enable them to provide comprehensive services to their patient populations. This includes providing a crucial HR function to the PCN teams covering but not limited to; compliance, contracts and training. We also provide services such as the COVID vaccination service that make sense to be delivered at scale. We also support our PCNs to provide the Enhanced Access service (GP Hub).