Where to find us: Appointments with GP Health Partners (GP Hub) Epsom Clinic are located at:
Epsom GP Hub, Mezzanine Floor, Epsom Square, Epsom KT19 8AG
Epsom Square is in the centre of the town, just across the road from Epsom railway station, and next to the High Street shopping area.
On-Site NCP parking is available underneath Epsom Square, accessed from Waterloo Road, opposite the railway station.
From the NCP Epsom Square car park, use the lift in the middle of the car park and take the lift to the Mezzanine level. Turn right as you exit the lift. There are also stairs to access the Mezzanine.
If you are attending on foot, it is preferable to enter through the glass doors near Epsom Social (just along from Nando’s) and take the lift or the stairs. Please note: The doors by the escalator (near Epsom Library) are often closed around 6pm. The lifts to the right of the library (up the escalator) do not take you to the Mezzanine. The lift outside the Derby Medical Centre does. The same lift is available from the ground floor Plaza level by Epsom Social.
The Mezzanine Level is where the Hub is located (in the same area as Epsom Day Surgery).
If you are outside the Derby Medical Centre entrance, take the lift up one level to the Mezzanine. You cannot access from inside the Derby Medical Centre premises.
When you arrive at the Mezzanine level via the lift, turn right and head for the double doors. Via the stairs, turn left.
You can locate Epsom Square on Google maps with this link: https://bit.ly/3N7X4xf
During normal practice hours, for hub appointments, you should contact your registered practice. For other clinic appointments at this location, you can speak to a member of the GPHP team on 01372 232001: Monday to Friday – 9am to 4pm
Please note: Epsom PCN patients can also use the GP Hub at Bourne Hall Health Centre. Please pay attention to the details on your booking confirmation text message for where to attend.
When your practice is closed, you can speak directly to the GP Hub on 01372 232001
Monday to Friday – 6:30pm to 8:00pm
Saturday 9:00am to 17:00 pm